Discover how women who are top performers attract exceptional men (without compromising their boundaries or lowering their standards).

Discover how women who are top performers attract exceptional men (without compromising their boundaries or lowering their standards)

As Seen On







Welcome! I'm Jamila McMallow

#1 Love & Relationship Coach for Top Performing Women Over 35

You’re a driven woman who has the career or business of your dreams. You’re confident and capable. You have success in every area of your life – except one. Love.

  • You’re in multiple textuationships with guys who won’t commit or give you the exclusivity you want. You tell yourself it’s okay because “at least I have somebody to talk to” and “at least I have someone to go do stuff with.”

  • You’re frustrated and keep wondering “Where did all the good men go?” The guys you attract make plans but show up late or call you last minute and aren’t respectful of your time. They do not court you.

  • You go on sympathy dates with men you aren’t into because you don’t want to hurt their feelings or be seen as mean.

  • You have great relationships with family, coworkers, and your girlfriends. But these aren’t substitutes for the man you want, so you keep feeling lonely.

  • You second-guess yourself and start doubting that you’ll meet a man who respects your standards and doesn’t try to push past them. 

  • You keep being told that your standards aren’t “realistic” or that you don’t need a man – and you’re wondering if maybe they’re right.

  • You feel like time is working against you and you wonder if you’ll ever find the love of your life.

  • You never wanted to do life by yourself. You always wanted to be married to a man who you could build a family with – someone to build a life with. Even when it seems like it’s never going to happen, you keep trying.

If you’ve caught yourself feeling or saying any of this, I have good news for you!

Welcome! I'm Jamila McMallow

#1 Love & Relationship Coach for High Performing Women Over 35

You’re a driven woman who has the career or business of your dreams. You’re confident and capable. You have success in every area of your life – except one. Love.

  • You’re in multiple textuationships with guys who won’t commit or give you the exclusivity you want. You tell yourself it’s okay because “at least I have somebody to talk to” and “at least I have someone to go do stuff with.”

  • You’re frustrated and keep wondering “Where did all the good men go?” The guys you attract make plans but show up late or call you last minute and aren’t respectful of your time. They do not court you.

  • You go on sympathy dates with men you aren’t into because you don’t want to hurt their feelings or be seen as mean.

  • You have great relationships with family, coworkers, and your girlfriends. But these aren’t substitutes for the man you want, so you keep feeling lonely.

  • You second-guess yourself and start doubting that you’ll meet a man who respects your standards and doesn’t try to push past them. 

  • You keep being told that your standards aren’t “realistic” or that you don’t need a man – and you’re wondering if maybe they’re right.

  • You feel like time is working against you and you wonder if you’ll ever find the love of your life.

  • You never wanted to do life by yourself. You always wanted to be married to a man who you could build a family with – someone to build a life with. Even when it seems like it’s never going to happen, you keep trying.

If you’ve caught yourself feeling or saying any of this, I have good news for you!

The reality is – As a high-performing woman, dating looks different for you.

The challenges are unique at your level, and you have standards you want to maintain. I only work with women who have high integrity and don’t want to compromise anymore

The reality is – As a high-performing woman, dating looks different for you.

The challenges are unique at your level, and you have standards you want to maintain. I only work with women who have high integrity and don’t want to compromise anymore


  • Attracting a high-calibre man who not only likes that you have standards but celebrates them.

  • Showing up to your dates as yourself without anything to prove. You no longer try to convince or compete to keep the guy.

  • Being pursued by an exceptional man who listens to you, cares for you, and is there for you.

  • Knowing that you’ve finally met your equal intellectually, spiritually, and financially.

  • Building a loving relationship that leads to marriage.

  • Standing in the certainty of knowing you can have the relationship you want, no matter what your girlfriends or relatives say.

  • Continue being a top performer while also enjoying the relationship and marriage of your dreams.


  • Attracting a high-calibre man who not only likes your standards but celebrates them.

  • Showing up to your dates as yourself without anything to prove. You no longer try to convince or compete to keep the guy.

  • Being pursued by an exceptional man who listens to you, cares for you, and is there for you.

  • Knowing that you’ve finally met your equal intellectually, spiritually, and financially.

  • Building a loving relationship that leads to marriage.

  • Stand in the certainty of knowing you can have the relationship you want no matter what your girlfriends or relatives say.

  • Continue being a top performer while also enjoying the relationship and marriage of your dreams.

You don’t have to keep settling. You get to have the man of your dreams and the life you really want.

You can have it without years of talk therapy, more books, or going down Google black holes.

The best part? You can become a Marriage Ready Woman in just 6 months.

But how?

Start by discovering the exact steps you need to start having success in your love life by watching my powerful Find Mr. Right training for only $27! ($147 value):

I’ve coached 200+ women healing from divorce and heartbreak on how to have healthier relationships with men. Here’s what some of my clients have to say:

Candace L.

“I made the decision to work with you because I had done all the things, read all the books, and thought I was healed, but you helped me to uncover my pattern and why I was pursuing men and not feeling worthy of being courted. I’ve experienced so many revelations in our work together and I am seeing a more confident me in the mirror. Working with Jamila, I would definitely say is going to be the best decision of your life. That money is money well spent. It’s an investment in YOU. This needs to be a priority and I’m so glad I made it mine.”

- Candace L., Public Relations Agency Owner

Wanda S.

“I know that there are no coincidences. I know that this was all Divine appointment and I didn't know what I needed until I got it and I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to work with you because I still would have been in the cycle of trying to figure it out. I am so grateful.”

- Wanda S., Public Speaking Coach

Nicole A.

“Working with Jamila has been the best and most important investment I have ever made. In this time I’ve earned a significant promotion with a substantial raise during a financial downtime for my company, I’ve been nominated for a prestigious company-wide award; I’ve started a new relationship with a good man who wants to communicate about anything, is loving and supportive of me and my dreams. I’ve developed a healthier relationship with alcohol which I never thought was possible. I am just glowing with gratitude and happiness.”

- Nicole A., Project Manager Construction

Siddikha A.

“When I first met Jamila I was looking for hope and guidance as to how to navigate and overcome my self-doubt and lack of worthiness. I am so happy and grateful to have found Coach Jamila McMallow as she has shifted and expanded my mindset to new heights to where my self-doubt and worry has been erased and replaced with hope, joy and so much self-love! What she provides is worth so much and she is truly a master at transforming lives! I highly recommend her services.”

- Siddikha A., Supervisor of Cytopathology

You get to have exactly what you want in love and not lower your standards one bit.

I’ve coached 200+ women healing from divorce and heartbreak on how to have healthier relationships with men. Here’s what some of my clients have to say:

Candace L.

“I made the decision to work with you because I had done all the things, read all the books, and thought I was healed, but you helped me to uncover my pattern and why I was pursuing men and not feeling worthy of being courted. I’ve experienced so many revelations in our work together and I am seeing a more confident me in the mirror. Working with Jamila, I would definitely say is going to be the best decision of your life. That money is money well spent. It’s an investment in YOU. This needs to be a priority and I’m so glad I made it mine.”

- Candace L., Public Relations Agency Owner

Wanda S.

“I know that there are no coincidences. I know that this was all Divine appointment and I didn't know what I needed until I got it and I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to work with you because I still would have been in the cycle of trying to figure it out. I am so grateful.”

- Wanda S., Public Speaking Coach

Nicole A.

“Working with Jamila has been the best and most important investment I have ever made. In this time I’ve earned a significant promotion with a substantial raise during a financial downtime for my company, I’ve been nominated for a prestigious company-wide award; I’ve started a new relationship with a good man who wants to communicate about anything, is loving and supportive of me and my dreams. I’ve developed a healthier relationship with alcohol which I never thought was possible. I am just glowing with gratitude and happiness.”

- Nicole A., Project Manager Construction

Siddikha A.

“When I first met Jamila I was looking for hope and guidance as to how to navigate and overcome my self-doubt and lack of worthiness. I am so happy and grateful to have found Coach Jamila McMallow as she has shifted and expanded my mindset to new heights to where my self-doubt and worry has been erased and replaced with hope, joy and so much self-love! What she provides is worth so much and she is truly a master at transforming lives! I highly recommend her services.”

- Siddikha A., Supervisor of Cytopathology

You get to have exactly what you want in love and not lower your standards one bit.

You don’t have to keep settling. You get to have the man of your dreams and life you really want.

You can have it without years of talk therapy, more books, or going down Google black holes. The best part? You can become a marriage

ready woman in just 6 months.

But how?

Start by discovering the exact steps you need to start having success in your love life by watching my powerful Find Mr. Right Challenge training for only $27! ($147 value):

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It’s Never Too Late to Find Love.

I found myself divorced at 34 after enduring a 14-year toxic marriage. I was heartbroken, but knew that I did want to be married again.

Even though his behavior was deal-breaking, I took ownership of the fact that I had chosen my ex. Whatever drew me to him, I needed to identify and change so that I never attracted a man like that again.

The only person I have ever had the power to change is ME. When I recognized that was all it took, it was a total game-changer.

This radical responsibility and healing journey empowered me to transform into the woman I am today. A woman who would never think, feel, or believe anything that would allow me to choose a man like that ever again. And I succeeded!

Just 1 year after my divorce was final, I met and married the love of my life, and we were married 6 months later. We’ve now been married for almost a decade and are raising a family - the family I always wanted.

It is my goal to help women just like you to have what you truly desire, which is to become the wife of an exceptional man and create the life of your dreams.

This is the heart behind the Marriage Ready Woman Program™.

Over the past 22+ years, I’ve been coaching and mentoring in a variety of professional settings. Since 2018, when I narrowed my focus to transformational coaching, I have helped 200+ women have healthier relationships and marriages.

I use a unique blend of my Human Resources background, Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Practitioner training, and my signature Become MAGNETIC Framework born from the exact steps I went through to attract the love of my life.

See, it doesn’t matter what poor choices in men you’ve made in the past, or how many times you’ve lowered your standards - you get to reinvent yourself and your love life at any time.

The only person you have the power to change is YOU.

Is it your time to become a Marriage Ready Woman?

The love of your life is out there.

Will you know him when you see him?